PP Protect Ceramic Paint Sealant represents a bold new evolution in paint protection products. Exhibiting an extremely durable colour enhancing gloss which protects exterior surfaces including paint, metal, exhaust, stainless steel, wheels, and gel coat. PP Protect is a semi-permanent coating that actually becomes the functional surface of your vehicle’s paintwork. By creating an inseparable bond on a molecular level with your paintwork you get a coating that cannot be washed off like a wax or sealant.

Years of Protection

D6-17487 Revision Approval

Environmentally friendly
Get PP Protect Ceramic Today!
Ceramic Protection for Your Business
PP Protect acts as a second clear coat that provides increased protection against the elements.

This new clear coating is glossier, chemical resistant, and harder than the original clear coat. Providing incredible protection against minor scratches, swirl marks, acid rain, bird droppings, and harmful UV rays.
PP Protect Ceramic is not a your typical wax or sealant, which only forms a sacrificial shield of protection. Instead, it bonds into your paintwork or metal creating a semi-permanent glossy shell over the surface.
This shell provides a slick and easy to clean barrier against the elements by repelling water and preventing the adherence of contaminants.
Regular washing is the only maintenance needed to keep your vehicle looking fantastic. The coating can even be waxed or sealed over with your favorite product to intensify gloss.
PP Protect Ceramic paint protection can be applied to the entire exterior of your vehicle, except rubber and soft plastic. PP Protect also performs exceptionally well on alloy wheels and aircraft exhaust ports.
Harnessing Nanotech Surface Protection Technology

When examined under a microscope, paintwork has rough surface consisting of peaks and valleys allowing adhesion of dirt and grime.
PP Protect seals these valleys and smooths the surface allowing contaminants to wash off easily. What remains is a very hard crystal clear surface, which greatly adds to the overall aesthetic.
This new shatterproof ceramic coating provides outstanding long-term protection over carnauba waxes or polymer sealants while enhancing color, gloss, and surface retractability.
PP Protect Ceramic Coating bonds into the paint work’s microscopic pores, forming an extremely durable crystal clear ceramic finish. This provides genuine long-term protection.
It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Surface Protection
A New Cornerstone in Detailing…
Over the last few decades paint protection technology has come a long way. The innovations in the market can be grouped into three major leaps:
During the last half-century car waxes have ruled the market. Ranging from naturally occurring waxes like carnauba to man-made synthetic waxes. While imparting gloss and a sacrificial barrier of protection their effect is short lived. Environmental hazards quickly break down and remove traditional waxes leaving paintwork exposed to damage.
In the last 20 years paint sealants were introduced to the world of paint protection. Typically these sealants are derived from amino functional fluids in the form of polymers. They give a good initial shine, which can last 6 months, sometimes longer. The thin protective coating of this type of product is ineffective when cleaners containing solvents or the corrosive natural chemicals such as those found in birdlime and tree sap contact the surface.
PP Protect Ceramic – A brand new innovation in paint protection. The no-paste, no-wax formula is specially designed to work on all the latest paint finishes and varnishes. The active ceramic resin binds with complex polymers to provide a thickness and hardness unachievable until now. PP Protect Resin can be used on all exterior paint surfaces including alloys. By bonding into the surface pores and forming an extremely durable semi-permanent coating PP Protect provides genuine long-term protection, which requires no maintenance other than washing.